SIS - Sistemi Integrati di Supporto

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2. Document Management Services Outsourcing (DMO)

The provision of SIS - Solution Division Office in document management outsourcing (DMO), consists of modular and integrated services to provide customized solutions according to the needs and the investment set by the Customer.

The management of documentation, and more generally of the information present in the company, is held through systems and equipment that enable the creation, collection and storage of information in an organized and structured way in order to store the data and to improve and facilitate access.

SIS - Solution Division Office provides solutions that can catalog, organize, store, share and send any type of electronic document management and documentation produced and received within an organization, whatever its format.
The automation of the processes of content management and processing of data, previously recorded only on paper, in electronic information through the scanning and integration with other business systems, can reduce time and costs, resulting in a considerable growth of 'business efficiency.

The benefits that these forms of data management can provide are: greater efficiency and timeliness in information retrieval, reducing the costs of the reduction of storage space, reducing the time for research, with a positive impact on the personal, custom applications for customer needs.

In this field the offer covers a vast area that goes from the management of traditional records (storage and delivery) to their dematerialization, from data entry to digitization via OCR technology, from image management to the management of the protocol, from digital signature to preservation replacement.

SIS - Solution Division Office within the area of document management outsourcing structured its offer in accordance with the following main areas:

  • management of traditional paper files
  • scanning of documents into electronic archives, organization, dematerialization of paper files and “storage replacement" in accordance with the rules in force
  • data entry and scanning of documents using OCR technology
  • management services (post office protocol, the press and correspondence, etc..) and integrated management of information.


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Office solutions:


Servizi Integrati di Supporto Srl
Via Nicaragua 3, 00040 Pomezia (RM)
P.I. e C.F. 06813211007
Registro delle Imprese di Roma
R.E.A: RM - 992654
Cap. Soc. € 10.000,00 I.V.

Phone: 0695596048  Fax: 069588957