SIS - Sistemi Integrati di Supporto

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3. Services and general support

This area covers all the general activities and job support relevant to all those non-core business functions of companies, and are aimed to ensuring increased operational efficiency, including significant management cost containments.
In particular, activities in the complex include:

  • General Services
  • Reproduction Management 
  • Management of consumables
  • Mail services
  • Activity and event support services (exhibitions, conferences, fairs etc.)..

3.1 General services

SIS is able to provide all the services needed for a specific and general support to the conduct of daily activities both temporary or emergency. These services, among which are also those essential to the ongoing of activities, include:

  • buying office support for product research and acquisitions of budgets
  • Operational management of contractual documentation, administrative and IT
  • care management advertising
  • assemblage and packaging of administrative and advertising documentation
  • packaging and shipping documentation
  • Management of furniture disposal, paper, toner and special waste
  • transport of goods and people
  • food vending and catering.

Reproduction services and documentation handling3.2 Reproduction services and documentation handling

For this category of services SIS is able to manage the following:

  • reproduction and binding copies
    (in black & white and colour)

  • document scanning and digitizing data, data management and preservation in electronic format of appropriate data base
  • CD reproduction
  • management of remote archive files (with submission of documentation including the Internet)
  • magnetic badge and coding of various kinds.    

3.3 Service Management of consumable materials

  • Management of consumables EDP
  • Management of stationary
  • Management of spare parts and materials for equipment

3.4 Mail services

SIS guarantees those activities necessary for the management of mail services both through specialized operators and through the organization of ad hoc activities such as the management of daily mail sorting  (working days)and administrative documents between different customer sites. More specifically the services can be identified as:

  • services for shipments by mail (National Mail: priority mail parcels etc.)
  • mail service between locations
  • withdrawal / delivery with vehicle
  • express service (pony service and / or personal services)

3.5 Support services activities and events (exhibitions, conferences, fairs, etc)

Indicatively, listed below is synthesis of services supplied for the assisting or managing  of exhibitions, conferences, fairs and events in general, and for training activities.

Training Support activities
It is expected following the delivery of operational services to support training activities.
More in particular, highlight the following specific activities:

  • Reception, services, support and management
  • Space educational activities
  • Preparation of computerized classrooms
  • Preparation of layouts (furnishings, equipment, etc..)
  • Control, activation, management of electronic equipment and computer
  • Distributing training materials, documents, stationery, etc..
  • Packaging, assemblage  and distribution of technical and scientific documents and possible printing and distribution 
  • Signs, poster printing and entry badge courses
  • Transport management (Transport organization, schedules, etc..) Management and bookings

Support for exhibitions, fairs, conferences and events
The activities to support the participation in exhibitions and fairs (involves both assistance in the design, in the preparation of technical documentation to the provision of personnel to be used for the construction / assembly of the stands and assistance during the period of opening of the exhibition / fair).

The services also include activities necessary for the research of materials at their purchase, their treatment and their certification. More specifically, below, are the main activities:

  • inspections of the sites concerned, projecting, design, and drawing, preparation of duly signed documentation by authorized person and presentation of all to Fair/Event Institute.
  • research and acquiring materials and furnishings available to the staff and operations personnel and travel organization (staff, materials, equipment etc..,) transport of materials
  • organization coordination and assembly (including technological systems-LAN, telephone, electricity, lighting, etc  and any items of decor-prints, posters, ornaments, plants, etc), rapports  Organizzation – Fairs.
  • assistance during the fair: reception services, support and management (Network Technology, hostess, control, document distribution, etc..)
  • disassembly and transportation to storage of materials.


Servizi Integrati di Supporto Srl
Via Nicaragua 3, 00040 Pomezia (RM)
P.I. e C.F. 06813211007
Registro delle Imprese di Roma
R.E.A: RM - 992654
Cap. Soc. € 10.000,00 I.V.

Phone: 0695596048  Fax: 069588957